How Your Diet Affects Your Dental Health

How Your Diet Affects Your Dental Health

“We are what we eat” is a saying most of us have heard before, but have we ever taken into consideration what it really means? Does our diet truly carry a more serious impact on our oral health than we may believe? The food and drinks we consume do indeed leave a mark on our dental well-being, be it positive or negative. A diet high in sugars and carbohydrates can contribute to tooth decay and cavities. On the other hand, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and calcium carries many benefits regarding oral health. That’s why, in order to protect your pearly whites from facing dental issues later on, it’s always a good idea to get a good understanding, preferably from a dentist in Dubai Marina, of how diets impact oral health. This way, you’ll be able to easily distinguish the good foods from the bad ones and make healthier choices, all while preserving your beautiful smile for years to come.

How Sweet Treats Turn Sour for Your Smile

We’re all aware of the trouble sugar and carbohydrates can cause your teeth, and knowing the reasons behind it can be helpful in the long run. Substances, such as sugar and refined carbohydrates, create what is essentially a breeding ground for mouth bacteria, which thrive on sugars and carbohydrates. This, of course, leads to the production of acid as a byproduct, which gradually erodes tooth enamel—the hard outer layer that protects teeth from decay. This erosion, if left unchecked, can lead to cavities, thus causing pain and sensitivity. Sweets aren’t the only snack you should watch out for, either. Coffee, alcohol, sugary drinks, and citrus fruits can be just as harmful when consumed frequently. The longer you go without clearing off plaque buildup on the surface of your teeth, the more you put your teeth at risk for developing numerous dental issues in the future.

The Aftermath of a Poor Diet

No good treat goes unpunished. Sticking to unhealthy eating habits and a poor diet is known to wreak havoc upon your pearly whites in more ways than one. The effects can range from minor and easy to deal with to much more severe with irreversible damage. Aside from the effects it has on the rest of our body, a lack of a nutrient-rich diet greatly weakens the teeth, making them more prone to cavities, gum disease, bad breath, and tooth loss. This poses a threat to your oral health while also affecting the appearance of teeth. And it doesn’t stop there. Poor oral health can directly impact one’s overall health, which widens the scope of the problem.

A Healthier Lifestyle for a Brighter Smile

It’s never too late to switch out bad eating habits for good ones! Embracing a healthy diet goes a long way in keeping your gums strong and your teeth healthy. With your teeth in tip-top condition, the chances of running into any dental issues, from cavities to tooth sensitivity, are drastically lower. Plaque buildup is the main culprit when it comes to dental trouble. As such, regularly flossing and brushing twice a day at least is the first and foremost step towards a flawless smile. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush is highly recommended by the best orthodontist in Dubai for removing plaque and protecting the enamel in the process. A diet consisting of leafy greens, dairy, fruits and vegetables, and nuts is the perfect blend for strong, healthy teeth. As such, adding this mix to your daily food intake carries great benefits for your oral health in the long run. Milk is especially beneficial for your teeth, so make sure to drink a glass at least once a day. Your teeth will thank you for it.

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